Tuesday 30 October 2007

Butterfly is Pumping up!

Last night there was an outrageous party at Butterfly Beach Dance... How can I call it? Eccentric, funky and unconventional spontaneous event... which gathers us all into the mood. Loool.

Me, Leo, Cat, Ynjo, Trav, Jes, William and Total.... ah! and also Kitty - the cat, as seen in images.

Maybe it was the effect of the crazy rainbow it had appeared earlier to influence our late destiny...

Just take a look on this! Amazing, isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! That's not me!!! :D
I was afk during the rainbow, so it was only the effect of our crazy minds! ;-P
Very funny! ;-)

Ynjo Welles